
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Well, the race didn’t actually change my life, but Jesus did. The race was just a vessel. 


I sit here, with only 10 days left, struck at how quickly the time went. There is just over a week left and it feels as though the days are slipping through my fingertips like sand.


The Lord has taught me, guided me, refined me, and loved me through it all. Here are just a few ways God has revealed himself in this time: 


What is means and looks like to be pursued and pursing others in community. 


How I feel must be brought to the Lord first. 


It is an honor to intercede on behalf of others, even those you don’t know. There is a crazy amount of power in prayer. Our prayers are effecting the spiritual realm in this moment! 


Anything can be ministry. It is not limited to a mission trip or volunteering. 


Calling one another higher is actually loving them well and building the kingdom; not doing so is a disservice. 


It’s not about the projects but the people. 


Even when faced with small decisions, ask him. Allow the Lord to guide you in your daily tasks: ask which store you should go to first for errands, which direction you turn on your walk, where you’re going out to dinner, etc. Ask for divine encounters to be set up in those “mundane moments”. He desires and deserves to be at the center of it all.


Strong foundations being built deserve to be celebrated just as much as the “mountain top moments” do. 


Also below is a photo of my AMAZING team that I have had the blessing and honor of walking through life with these past three months. 



It is nearly impossible to bring to words the past six months but I am trying my best to do so as I process and look back on it! If you have any questions or want to chat I would love that and you can shoot me an email.  

[email protected]